Olympic Hockey Nagano '98 - Get a Golden Medal
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Player Time Comment
shoehorse 00:00:00 silver'd
pieper 00:43:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9i5QXUwO20
Giga 00:58:39 https://clips.twitch.tv/FitNeighborlyDonkeyAllenHuhu-MZAf3u0teZG0fc6J
poptart_cat 01:03:20 goodbye nagano o7
TossedFish 01:06:33 USA USA USA
Synii 01:10:31 Actual time is 49:10 Had a couple crashes. USA too tough for me. Lost 6-5. Luckily Italy knocked them out for me
Remnant 01:12:10 Came for the fights, stayed for the hockey