Fox Sports College Hoops '99 - Win the Final Four (Freshman, 5:00 Halves)
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Player Time Comment
shoehorse 00:00:00 game is too ass.
TossedFish 00:00:00 Accidently played a 20 min exhibition game because settings reset. Go Syracuse.
poptart_cat 00:24:53 Dear Old Clemson, we will triumph
sp0ck1 00:28:07 Maryland goes as Bourbin goes, and Bourbin ain't that good. Rising Zaaaaaaaan Bourbin No More
Synii 00:28:41 It looks like a 3D SNES game and needs more interesting controls. There's better options for N64 basketball
Giga 00:31:55 It's not good, but it's sick
riocoys 00:50:47 Game wasn't great but it had some cool moments