Jet Force Gemini - Beat the Spawnship
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Player Time Comment
TossedFish 01:22:22 Crack open a cold one with the Gemini Force
JTB 01:38:22
Flant 01:45:31 only a modest amount of warcrimes were committed intentionally
poptart_cat 02:12:43 shoutout to the secret illegal restream
Remnant 02:28:23 Bugs stay dead, health and ammo don't. Fun game
Synii 03:17:20
Altermentality 00:00:00 JFG stands for Jets Fuckin Gooooo
JP_NASA 00:00:00 died on ichor, wasn't going to redo the broken room where i have to pause and unpause to see