Killer Instinct Gold - Beat Arcade
Saturday, November 16, 2024

Player Time Comment
poptart_cat 00:37:04 Is there a Killer Instinct move stronger than Puddle Uppercut?? And I'm referring to God of Ice Glacius's Non Crouch Canceled Puddle Uppercut with the Extreme Turnaround Frame Cancel and Arctic Blas-
Remnant 00:42:45 "There are literally over a million moves and combos you can perform"
sp0ck1 01:05:01 Glacius does not care about your difficulty setting. Get befuddled by the puddle.
Giga 01:12:03 Guys will see Spinal's stage and say "Hell Yeah"
Synii 01:38:57 #Can'tBeatAnyFightingGamesWithoutFindingACheeseStrat