First-Person Shooter

Game Name Publisher Developer Release Year (NA) Genre Played
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. Acclaim Entertainment Acclaim Studios London 1999 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Daikatana Kemco Kemco 2000 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Doom 64 Midway Midway 1997 Action First-Person Shooter Unplayed
Duke Nukem 64 GT Interactive Software Eurocom 1997 Action First-Person Shooter Played
GoldenEye 007 Nintendo Rare 1997 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Hexen GT Interactive Software Software Creations 1997 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Perfect Dark Rare Rare 2000 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Quake 64 Midway Midway 1998 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Quake II Activision Raster Productions 1999 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Rainbow Six Red Storm Entertainment Saffire Corporation 1999 Action First-Person Shooter Played
South Park Acclaim Entertainment Iguana Entertainment 1998 Adventure First-Person Shooter Played
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Acclaim Entertainment Iguana Entertainment 1997 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Acclaim Entertainment Iguana Entertainment 1998 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Acclaim Entertainment Acclaim Studios Austin 2000 Action First-Person Shooter Played
Turok: Rage Wars Acclaim Entertainment Acclaim Studios Austin 1999 Action First-Person Shooter Played
The World Is Not Enough EA Games Eurocom 2000 Action First-Person Shooter Played