Snowboard Kids 2 - Beat story mode
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Player Time Comment
Altermentality 00:00:00 Welcome to the jungle
Magicalgnome 00:00:00 Doesn't matter, got to school.
shoehorse 00:00:00 who doesn't love a happy rock?
sp0ck1 00:00:00 Speederboard Tommy for life
Midboss 01:04:22 nothing but pans and rockets in first place
neskamikaze 01:14:13
djBustaNut 01:20:05 busted
Countdown 01:23:01 two losses on haunted ):
Flant 01:36:42 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
poptart_cat 02:24:54 pan
Giga 03:10:19
Remnant 03:36:29 We thank you Lord, for this pan we are about to receive
TossedFish 04:30:05 Fun game, excellent music, cute characters, great cutscenes, silly voices. Terrible for a single sit down of several races and burger king.
Synii 04:42:20 Random attacks that you have no time to react to. Awful final boss. The other parts were alright